Saturday, November 7, 2009


DSN - Creating a Divine Society

DSN translates to "Creating a Divine Society - Do Something Now ." It is a rigorous and transformational course that empowers participants to break through personal inhibitions and barriers - it gives us inner stability in a way that no outside event can shake us.

We all have personal barriers, old habits, or inhibitions that hold us back and keep us from fully participating in life. Yet we all have a deep desire to be the best we can be - for ourselves, our families, our communities and even the world around us.

The truth is that those old emotional wounds, self-concepts, attitudes and fears create a barrier between us and the ability to live our heart's desire.

DSN uses a powerful combination of yoga practice, special meditations, breathing techniques, group processes, and deep spiritual knowledge to break through personal barriers.

The power of DSN can give us true liberation, true freedom and personal empowerment!

This four-day, full-time course, is open to all those who have completed the Art of Living Course. To register for a DSN course near you, please click here.

1 comment:

swami madhusudan ji said...

What People Are Saying
"I found the practice of being silent to be incredibly beneficial for not only allowing deep relaxation to occur but also as a way to gain insight into my own thoughts and feelings. I realized just how caught up I was in reliving the past and obsessing about the future. The course helped me come back to the present moment where life is truly lived."
-- Joe DeMarco, Sales Manager